
Average score 648 Reviews
Alexandre De Moura noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I have always been very well served and the food is excellent. (Original) J’ai toujours été très bien servi et la cuisine est excellente.

11 months ago
Abbie Tse noted on Google

11 months ago
Lu Fan noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The food is slow, but the taste is good (Original) 上菜慢,但是味道可以

11 months ago
Alex Char noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Great service. Excellent fish fondue. I recommend (Original) Service excellent. La fondue au poisson excellente. Je recommande

11 months ago
Rick CMB noted on Google

11 months ago
Tim Zhx Jin noted on Google

11 months ago
Xue CHENG noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The store is not big, the business is very good, you need to queue up, and the serving is a bit slow, but the signature beef rice noodle is really delicious, and I will go back to China in a second. recommend! (Original) 店不大,生意很好,需要排队,上菜有点慢 但招牌牛肉米线确实很好吃,一秒回国。推荐!

11 months ago
Fab L noted on Google

11 months ago
Reynaldo Panos noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Original and colorful dishes, we ate really well. (Original) Des plats originaux et colorés, on a vraiment bien mangé.

11 months ago
Jepri Naibaho noted on Google

Asian food with steam rice.

1 year ago

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